Women’s Health Road Australia Incorporated
Our not-for-profit arm, Women’s Health Road Australia Incorporated is intended to provide excellence in women’s health management to all women with emphasis on priority groups including youth, perimenopausal women, women with disability, women of CALD backgrounds and women with significant mental health morbidity.
We have a service provision, research, educational, teaching/training of clinicians, community awareness and advocacy focus.
Current Initiative:
President: Mariah Amjad
Vice-President: Khika Withnell
Vice-President: Dr M Talat Uppal
Secretary: Rachael Leah Jackson
Treasurer: Marcella Blacker
Other board members:
Brenden Blacker
Sarah Yeomans
Umair Amjad
Tanya Amjad
Isabella Behrens
Penelope Hanlon