Patient Forms & Questionnaires
All forms and associated information can be found below. Please be sure to read all information carefully and bring the completed form to your appointment.
This practice is committed to providing patients with the best care. To do this, it is essential that your health record is kept up to date and accurate.
Please fill out the form associated with your practitioner linked below (otherwise please use the last form of the list) and bring it with you to your appointment:
Dr Talat Uppal - New Patient Registration Form
Dr Deepa Gopinath - New Patient Registration Form
Dr. Tanushree Rao - New Patient Registration Form
Penny Hanlon - New Patient Registration Form
Dr Megan Young - New Patient Registration Form
Tracey Martin - New Patient Form
Dr Tania Morgan - New Patient Form and Questionnaire
In order for the GP to better understand your symptoms, please fill out the questionnaire linked below and bring it with you to your appointment:
All other associated forms are located below:
*This form can be filled out on the computer prior to printing for your convenience.
In order for the Gynaecologist to better understand your symptoms, please fill out the forms associated to your practitioner linked below and bring it with you to your appointment:
Dr Talat Uppal:
Dr Deepa Gopinath:
Dr Tanushree Rao:
Dr Tania Morgan:
*These forms can be filled out on the computer prior to printing for your convenience.
In order for the Colorectal specialist to better understand your symptoms, please fill out the questionnaire linked below and bring it with you to your appointment:
*This questionnaire can be filled out on the computer prior to printing for your convenience.
In order for the Physiotherapist to better understand your symptoms, please fill out the questionnaire linked below and bring it with you to your appointment:
The Australian Pelvic Floor Questionnaire*
The Australian Pelvic Floor Questionnaire (APFQ) is one of the few validated questionnaires that integrate bladder, bowel, and sexual function as well as pelvic organ prolapse symptoms.
*This form can be filled out on the computer prior to printing for your convenience.
Dr Pedersen aims to ensure that patients are as well prepared for their anaesthetic as is possible.
She asks that all patients complete her:
pre-operative health questionnaire to ensure that she is optimally prepared to provide her patients with the safest and most comfortable anaesthetic experience.
If you feel inspired to do so, please also complete the post-operative feedback form, following your experience with Dr Pedersen.
Please find the consent form below. It is essential that this form is completed prior to your appointment.
For more information on medical terminations and unplanned pregnancy counselling, please click here.